Learn The Legendary Standing Pass System From All-Time BJJ Great Marcus “Buchecha” Almeida In His 4-Part Masterclass On Dynamic Standing Passes!
- Develop a top-tier passing system that Buchecha has developed and utilized throughout his legendary career.
- Learn precise passing concepts for today’s most effective passes including the knee cut, folding pass, long step, stack passes, and countless other passing variations!
- Stop guard players in their tracks by learning to identify their grips, and immediately going on the attack with a Buchecha-approved passing system!
- Stay ahead of even the most sophisticated guard player with passing combinations that take advantage of your opponent’s defensive reactions.
- Finally dismantle the worm guard with multiple variations of the long step pass, and learn techniques to prevent it from ever being established!
- Use the 50/50 arm configuration to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent and consistently secure side control.
- Take your passing to the next level with an anthology of standing guard passes that have been tested at the highest levels of BJJ by the Legendary Marcus Almeida!
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So, What's On The Series?
Passing Vs No Grips
Timing Drill
Hip And Knee Control Pass
Hip And Knee Control Pass To Top Spin
Hip And Knee Control To Stack Pass
Jump Over Pass
Squat Lift Pass
Shin Long Step Pass
Shin Slide Pass
Bucket Choke
Guard Pass Straight To Armlock
Jacare Pass
Guard Player Pass
50/50 With The Arms Part 1
50/50 With The Arms Part 2
Double Under Stack Pass
Double Under Stack Pass To Back Take
Passing Vs Pant Grip
Folding Pass
Knee Cut Pass
Knee Cut Pass Variation
Knee Punch Drop Pass
Shin Over Shin Pass
Knee Cut To Cross Choke
Knee Cut To Choke Variation
Side Smash Long Step Pass
Shin Slide Long Step Pass
Preventing Single X To Passing
Preventing Single X To Passing Variation
Passing Vs Sleeve Grip
Spider Guard Throw-By Pass
Spider Guard To X Pass
Spider Guard To X Pass To Top Spin
X Pass To Rolling Armbar
Hip Bump Spider Guard Pass
Toreando Pass
Toreando Pass Counter
Lasso Guard Pass
Passing Vs Lapel Grip
Worm Guard Long Step
Worm Guard Pass Variation
Worm Guard Pass Variation 2
Lapel Guard Pass